[asterisk-dev] reorganization of queues.conf and similar large tables
Jim Van Meggelen
2018-07-13 23:25:57 UTC
Matt F suggested I post this here.

I'm working on the ACD chapter of 'The Book', and had planned to contribute
a minor change to the organization of the queues.conf file, by sorting
various configuration options into categories. This is not for any
technical reason, but rather because there's dozens of them, and they're
really all over the place in terms of what they do, and for a newbie this
seems like something that would be a lot easier to understand if things
were categorized.

So, I took the time to categorize them.

Anyhow, I figured at minimum I'd like to update the alembic portion of the
install, so that when the `queues` table is created, it creates the various
fields/columns in some sort of sensible order, rather than the current,
haphazard way.

However, the more I think about it, the more I realize I also ought to
update the queues.conf.sample file as well, since that would also benefit
from having all the many parameters organized into categories.

None of this should affect anything in terms of how the app works (I don't
believe there are any requirements to load parameters in any order), it's
just an effort to provide a bit of logical structure, which I am certain
would help somebody new to asterisk to better understand what the heck is
going on in queues.conf (or the queues table, if they are using that

I've attached a snippet I yanked from the alembic code (which is why it
looks like a wee bit of python). It defines the categories I'm proposing.
It's snipped from
in the asterisk source.

If this makes sense to y'all, then I'll take on the task of re-organizing
the queues.conf.sample file as well.

I see this as a very minor (and simple) change that'll provide useful value
to someone new to Asterisk who is trying to make sense of queues.

I would be very grateful for your thoughts on this.
